We are starting our 28th season and this is the earliest that the ice has been out of McGregor Bay. Most of the docks should be in and the barge moored for the coming season. Work is planned for this Saturday.
Yesterday there were geese, ducks, seagulls, and 4 beautiful white swans swimming of the ice pan. This morning we had our first spring thunder storm complete with a SE wind and rain. The snow is, for all intent and purpose GONE,(its early it might be back). The grass is showing signs of green and the frost is heaving the roads on the property. The ground is mushy and there is that earthy smell in the air that is spring.
The buds on the trees are swelling and the southern birds are arriving on a daily basis. The other day we had robins and red winged black birds in the tree near the launch ramp, this morning there was about 40 gray jays in the tree near the croquet court. A couple of days ago there were snow birds gleaning the remaining berries off the wild grape vines. Just now a flock of black birds just flew past the den window.
The cottages will be next and it depends on how fast the frost is out of the ground. I bet the water will be on 3 weeks earlier than normal. I just keep my fingers crossed that we won’t have a cold snap.
If the grounds dry up we should have boats in the water by the 22nd or 23rdMarch. So all you anglers eager to hook into some black crappie or yellow perch give us a call we might be able to realize your dream.

Picture take March 13 2012